
Your go-to solution for hassle-free voice recording summaries and action items! Our innovative platform, powered by Puzzlcat Software, is designed to streamline your productivity and ensure you can focus on the core of discussions rather than the burden of documentation.


Jotgenie is a cutting-edge application that leverages advanced algorithms to generate comprehensive summaries and actionable items from your voice recordings, whether it's lectures or meetings. With Jotgenie, you can now capture essential points and action steps effortlessly, making it easier than ever to keep track of critical information without missing a beat.

Registered Company

PUZZLCAT SOFTWARE (PTY) LTD is the proud creator of Jotgenie. As a private company, we are committed to delivering top-notch products and services that enhance our customers' lives and work experiences. Our dedication to innovation and excellence drives us to create solutions that simplify complex tasks and make your daily routines more efficient.

Company Registration

Physical Address

Our headquarters are located in the vibrant city of Cape Town, South Africa. This beautiful coastal city serves as the backdrop for our dedicated team's creativity and hard work.


Behind Jotgenie is a close-knit team of professionals, with less than 10 members, who share a passion for technology and a common goal of improving productivity and efficiency for our users. Each team member brings a unique set of skills and expertise, ensuring that Jotgenie continues to evolve and meet the ever-changing needs of our valued users.


Our mission is simple: To empower individuals and teams to focus on what truly matters during discussions, lectures, and meetings by automating the tedious documentation process. We believe that by harnessing the power of AI and cutting-edge technology, we can revolutionize the way information is captured, processed, and utilized.


At Jotgenie, we envision a future where time-consuming note-taking becomes a thing of the past. Our vision is to be at the forefront of productivity-enhancing tools, setting new standards for efficiency and collaboration in the workplace and academia.

Join us on this exciting journey as we transform the way you approach voice recordings and documentation. With Jotgenie, never miss an essential point or action item again – let your ideas flow freely, and we'll take care of the rest!

Contact Us

Contact us today to learn more about Jotgenie and how it can revolutionize the way you work and learn. Together, let's unlock the full potential of your voice recordings!

Contact us here.